
Apart from business, we intend to serve the mankind for it’s well-being in the present world and the hereafter by providing financial and moral gains through utmost good faith, good conduct, mutual trust, sincerity, integrity and personalized services. With a view to standing by the side of the wretched of the society, we have, meanwhile, established a welfare fund.

  • To refrain from unethical practices and protect the values of Islam.
  • To abide by the Shariah principles in day-to-day business affairs.
  • To build dynamic, sound and professional management team.
  • To make ourselves accountable to valued customers.
  • To conduct business with fullest transparency.
  • To develop innovative products.
  • To ensure good governance.


To become the best private Life Insurance Company of Bangladesh and in Asia as a whole dint of quality services and to ensure transparency in all fields. We want to make radical change in beliefs, attitudes, values and practices in the traditional life insurance market so that it can grow with the first pace of change and meet the present and future challenges in the market.